Sharon BeltrandelRio 先生
先生プロフィール 授業予約 先生の評判 先生質問掲示板 閉じる

コース番号 566
コース名 Resume Review (e-mail only) コース回数 1
初級 中級 上級 一般英語 ビジネス英語 その他
--- レベルを初級, 中級, 上級で表します レベルを初級, 中級, 上級で表します --- カテゴリを一般, ビジネス, その他で表します ---
resume, business
Are you applying for a job? Are you applying to business school in the United States? If so, let's make sure your resume is speaking as powerfully as possible to your skills, experiences and interests.
resume review
Please e-mail me your resume. I will review its content, style, grammar and other features to ensure that it describes your talents as well as possible. If you would also like to discuss your resume, please sign up for English for Professionals (Course #847) in addition to this course.

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